For Designers by Designers

For Designers by Designers

Ever been to DesignerCon? No!? Ok here’s the deal…if you’re in any way into toys, design, supporting artists and original creators this is your event. We’ve had an amazing time attending for years and years and finally got to be a vendor this year!

We knew we had to put out some special items and a couple of our strongest team members delivered! First piece was designed by Nowhere Land Supply (we get to call him Brooks) and OH BOY its a perfect homage to one of the greatest goaltenders of all time from down the street in Anaheim.

The second piece is from our hermano Gustavo Jaimes. The ease at which he whipped this bad boy up was honestly scary. He just clearly envisions hockey/coffee in his mind, closes his eyes and this is what pours out. Incredible.

We hope you enjoy the great designs as much as we do. They're available online in limited quantities so get yours before it's too late!

Orquest aedelweiss Hockey clothing company for ice hockey - designercon designs by gustavo jaimes and nowhere land supply brooks


Orquest aedelweiss Hockey clothing company for ice hockey - designercon designs by gustavo jaimes and nowhere land supply brooks



Orquest aedelweiss Hockey clothing company for ice hockey - designercon designs by gustavo jaimes and nowhere land supply brooks


Orquest aedelweiss Hockey clothing company for ice hockey - designercon designs by gustavo jaimes and nowhere land supply brooks